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Cinematic Prompting

In this section we will cover how to generate rich film-inspired images and prompts for recreating famous cinematic styles from directors like Wes Anderson, Steven Spielberg, and movies like The Lord of the Rings.

It turns out because of the data that Midjourney is trained on, it is actually quite good at creating a variety of cinematic styles.

Rather than just give you a collection of random one-off prompts for different movies our approach will be different. We're going to give you a step-by-step framework for creating prompts for any movie or director you want.

The key to this framework will be additive prompting and the ability to create prompts that are modular and reusable.

Prompting Framework

Our basic prompting framework will involve breaking down every prompt into the following categories based on our desired cinematic look:

  • subject
  • colors
  • background
  • style
  • aspect ratio
  • tags/extras

Then we will combine them using additive prompting.


Let's work through how to use this framework to create an image in the style of the famous Lord of the Rings saga.

For this example we will try to create a nice scenic landscape image with a character.


mountain pass, rider


wide view of a mountain pass, a lone rider visible against the backdrop of towering peaks


rich, earthy colors


This part of the prompt is especially important because it gives Midjourney important keywords about the director and exact film being emulated.

in the style of The Lord of the Rings directed by Peter Jackson


high contrast lighting, landscape scene, epic --style raw

One thing to call out here is that we are using --style raw which is a modifier that gives us more fine-grained control over the Midjourney output.

Aspect Ratio

--ar 16:9

Putting it Together

When you create each of these components using our framework, our final prompt is the combination of all of them:

Landscape scene | High contrast lighting | Epic | Wide view of a mountain pass, a lone rider visible
against the backdrop of towering peaks | Mountain pass, rider | Rich, earthy colors | in the style of The Lord of the Rings directed by Peter Jackson --style raw --ar 16:9

When we run this through Midjourney we get the following output:

Lord of the Rings Image

Example Lord of the Rings image


Practice: Miyazaki-style Prompt

Final Objective:

Create a prompt to generate a landscape scene of a traveler on a trail in the style of Spirited Away directed by Hayao Miyazaki. To do this, consider using our additive prompting framework from above.

What are the different categories you can use to create this prompt?

Possible Solution:



a solitary figure visible in the distance


wide view of a winding mountain trail 


pastel colors, bright colors


in the style of Spirited Away directed by Hayao Miyazaki


adventure, landscape scene, --style raw

Aspect Ratio

--ar 16:9

Putting it Together

When you create each of these components using our framework, our final prompt is the combination of all of them:

 Landscape scene | Bright colors | Adventure | Wide view of a winding mountain trail, a solitary figure visible in the distance | Pastel colors | in the style of Spirited Away directed by Hayao Miyazaki --style raw --ar 16:9

When we run this through Midjourney we get the following output:

Spirited Away generated image
Example Spirited Away image

Additional Tools

The prompting framework provided above will take you far in producing a wide variety of cinematic images.

However there are a few other optional categories of things to include in your prompt that can provide even more control over your cinematic images.

Film Type

Try adding modifiers such as:

  • 16mm film
  • 4k resolution
  • 70mm film

Shot Type

Try adding modifiers such as:

  • Aerial shot
  • Close-up shot
  • Low angle shot
  • Crowd shot

Cinematic Effects

Try adding modifiers such as:

  • bokeh
  • starbursts
  • depth of field
  • light leaks

Movie Genre

Try adding modifiers such as:

  • adventure
  • film noir
  • horror
  • western
  • indie
  • epic fantasy

Hopefully this gives you more tools to create a wide variety of cinematic images. For further reading about cinematic prompts check out.

ChatGPT as an assistant

ChatGPT can be of great help in generating prompts with this technique, allowing us to save time and even gain inspiration.

To do this, use this prompt in ChatGPT, adapting it to your needs through the parameters inside the brackets {}.

ChatGPT prompt

Explore other types of scenes. How about giving it a touch of 2D video game style?

I want you, using the following generic prompt, to create 4 possible alternatives that describe the scene I will indicate below:

Generic prompt:

[Type of scene] | [Lighting style] | [Mood/Genre] | [Detailed scene description] | [Main elements in the scene] | [Color palette] | in the style of [film] directed by [director]

Scene to represent:

{Titanic. There's this breathtaking moment set against the backdrop of the setting sun. Rose stands at the ship's bow, arms outstretched, feeling the wind rushing past her. Jack approaches quietly from behind and guides her hands, making her feel as if she's flying. The ocean seems endless below them, and the world fades away as they share this intimate moment.}
ChatGPT response
ChatGPT response

MJ result
STYLE: Oceanic Vignette | Twilight Illumination | Passionate Romance | Against a setting sun, Rose stands on the Titanic's bow, feeling the world around her dissolve as Jack comes up behind her, their shared moment making them feel airborne over the vast sea | Titanic, Setting Sun, Expansive Ocean | Golden yellows, deep ocean blues, and twilight purples | in the style of "Atonement" directed by Joe Wright --ar 7:4

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To cite this content, please use:

    author       = {Luis Riancho and Mihail Eric},
    title        = { Prompting for Artists - Cinematic Prompting},
    howpublished = {\url{}},
    year         = {2023}